Interviewing Farms in Cincinnati and San Francisco

1000+ Acres
Farmland in Cincinnati

Adam's biggest problem that we can solve is reducing expenditure on Fertilizers by identifying stand count over short intervals after seeds begin to sprout to identify which parts of his farm need highest amounts of fertilizers.

Adam's expenditure of fertilizers exceeds $100 per acre every year, an analysis and smarter fertilizer distribution can save $10,000+ per year while maintaining crop yields.

Using Existing Equipment

Gail Already owns a drone and ocasionally uses it to check on crops that are far away from their house on the field. She currently also pays expert farm consultants $10/acre every few years to get reccomendations and insights about her farm.

Gail's largest need is to make her existing drone smarter and more appropriate to aid in the farming process by providing insights about her farm.

Scale Organic Farming

Richard needs a scalable way to practice organic farming to utilize his entire aerable land of 100 acres instead of his current field of 1 acre.

Richard was an early adopter and tester of an AgTech product for automating farming: FarmBot but does not continue to use it since it was not a scalable solution.

Quickly Testing Solutions

For each of the problems we identified, we quickly started building a Minimum Viable Prototype and took it to the inital users to test the concept

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Why Weeding?

Goal: Eliminate the least gratifying task for farmers
Organic farmers identified maintaining crops (including activities such as weeding, thinning, and irrigation) as the most important task and the second most difficult task in farming.

Read more about challenges of organic farmers (external site)